
The Phoenix Project

Autoren: Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford [fusion_counters_circle][fusion_counter_circle filledcolor="" unfilledcolor="" size="80" scales="no" countdown="no" speed="1500" value="100"]5/5[/fusion_counter_circle][/fusion_counters_circle] Story und Managementwissen in einem. Hammer! A novel that made my hat spin and think. A novel that was a page turner, at least to the middle. A novel that got me in touch with a lot of management principles. What more would you expect from a book! We follow Bill Palmer on his job promotion as VP of IT operations. Getting hundreds of Mails, being overwhelmed by the amount of work, being a firefighter [...]

On Writing

Autor: Stephen King [fusion_counters_circle][fusion_counter_circle filledcolor="" unfilledcolor="" size="80" scales="no" countdown="no" speed="1500" value="100"]5/5[/fusion_counter_circle][/fusion_counters_circle] An eye-opener for everyone who likes to write. To tell the truth right-away: I have never read any book from Stephen King. I don’t like horror. But I see that he is very successful with writing. This book on writing is another eye-opener for everyone who likes to write or thinks about writing. A must read for anybody who wants to write. Aus dem Buch S. 34: On the other hand, if you`re just [...]

Von |2017-02-03T12:21:35+01:00Oktober 12th, 2015|Bücher, Lieblingsbücher, Sachbücher|0 Kommentare
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